Friday, September 1, 2017

Moving in, celebrating a birthday, and hurricane prep

We moved aboard yesterday! So happy and excited. It was also Zachary's 10th birthday, so we had lots to celebrate!

The bad news? Well, later that day, we decided to put our hurricane prep plan into action because there is a hurricane headed our way. We had been watching the weather closely and hoping it would change its track. It moved slightly north today, but still, we have to prepare.

So, day 2 is now spent on hurricane prep. What a way to start this adventure. Of course, why should we expect anything different. The past couple of weeks has had a lot of drama and while we survived, we think Murphy's Law is kicking us around quite a bit.

Forgive the lack of blog updates from the past month, but I have to help Jared prep this boat. We are moving to our slip in Nanny Cay within the hour and will put our plan into action: taking down the sails, canvas, lowering the boom and securing it to the deck, tying lines and putting RoundAbout into a spiderweb of strong and sturdy dock lines.

Our plan is to stay with the boat unless the winds exceed 70mph. We then have a plan to get our family off the island and to Florida, Monday at the latest. Our camper and suv are still there in storage, so we will go north or west to get away from the hurricane path. Once it has cleared the islands, we will head back to the boat.

I don't have the wifi to upload pics, but you can check them out on our facebook page.

Here is hoping the hurricane moves way north of us and away from the islands!

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