Sunday, November 27, 2016

Progress on the House

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What have we been up to lately? Well, today, up to our necks in insulation installation! We took some time out to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family and then got right back at it.

We are making lots of progress on the home addition and are now working on installing the insulation and new windows. There's an inspection on those this week and then we can start on the drywall! The kids really want to go get a Christmas tree, but that has to wait until after drywall and the new flooring projects are completed. Fingers crossed we are done in a few weeks! 

We want to enjoy all this hard work before we sell the house in the spring. In between working at our regular jobs, working on the house, and dealing with the kids' schedules, we are also trying to continue to move things into storage and slowly sell or give stuff away.

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