
This page is all about "boat school", citizen science, and educational outreach projects.

Boat-schooling our kids: For now, we are following the California state standards (CCSS and NGSS), partnering with sailors at sea programs and conducting data collection for citizen science projects. Here is a more detailed post on what we will be using for the kids.

Part of this adventure is educational outreach. Stefanie is passionate about teaching and actively works to provide professional development for other teachers in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (S.T.E.M.). She has created a STEM at Sea program providing free classes to students around the globe. 

Stef was one of 12 teachers chosen to serve on the California NGSS Framework Committee, which wrote the NGSS standards for California. She, along with her team, continues to provide workshops around the state to help schools transition to implementing the NGSS. A California state finalist for the PAEMST (Presidential Award in Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science), she is involved in some exciting projects!

Her most recent endeavor is creating Makerspaces in schools, building the STEM Program for the school district and the R.O.V. team.

As we sail, it is our goal to reach out to schools and educators around the globe, providing teacher workshops, improve education by bringing supplies and materials to remote classrooms, and share the love of learning with fun educational activities. Any donations we receive through the link on our blog or our Patreon page, goes towards supporting the outreach program.

For curricular inspiration, check out some of Stef's stuff: 

Teachers Pay Teachers Store

Mrs. Pechan's Classroom website (lots of great educational links)

Posts related to Education:

S.T.E.A.M. for Education

STEAM Outreach Education While Sailing

Science Labs: lesson plans for fun activities to do with your kids

Acids and Bases