As sailors know to be true, plans are written in the sand at low tide. They can change at any time! Here is our general plan so far:
Year 1:
Purchase boat in Europe
Sail the Med / explore Europe
Atlantic passage to Bermuda, Bahamas, then on to the BVI.
Year 2:
Sail to Panama to transit the Canal
Galapagos Islands
French Polynesia / South Pacific
New Zealand / Australia
Sell boat and return home (or possibly sail a 3rd year and go North to Hawaii)
This is just an outline; we don't have it down to the month just yet. =)
Here is our world map where the kids have made notations on where they would like to go. Cadence made this whale in Kindergarten and she is holding it up to show that she hopes we see a lot of wildlife on our adventure!
The List (grows by the day):
Home construction: complete the addition and either list to sell or rent.
Inventory items to keep, sell, donate, or toss.
Sell off all the unnecessary stuff (already in progress--slowly but surely).
Clear out storage unit and begin moving all "keep" items into container and move out of current storage unit: IN PROGRESS MAY 2016-JUNE 2016 (that will save $200 per month).
Setting up all electronics, movies, music, apps downloaded, etc.
Schooling materials, supplies, curriculum, etc.
Computer/electronics set up for work and school
Medical / Emergency Preparedness:
Register for emergency medical courses (hoping to find one for the kids, as well).
Medical checkups, vaccinations, medicine cabinet supplies.
Copies of our medical files scanned into computer.
Last ASA sailing course for blue water.
Register for a severe weather course.
Kid take a formal sailing class summer of 2016 (the boys are registered even though they have been learning from us since they were little, C will have to wait until she is older, so for now, she will learn from us).
Find our new floating home and refit for our adventure!
Get Captain's license
2011: DeLorme gps tracker purchased and in use (we've owned this for a few years, so we either keep using this one or upgrade before we leave). We now can get weather with it, so this is a handy little device!
April 2016 Procure insulated and secure shipping container for storage (already moved to parents' property)
June 2016 Storage unit emptied and account closed!
August 2, 2016: Renew first aid, CPR, and first responder courses.